Want to write for Osseous Matter? Our Spotlight section is an editorial series of studio visits, interviews, reviews of artists' practices, and curated playlists. We want to expand the type of content we publish to essays and regular columns.
We work closely with artists to display their artwork and create an authentic representation of their ideas and practice. Some artists even help design the webpage. Submit an idea to us!
Osseous Matter is accepting curatorial proposals for Winter 2022 and Spring 2023. OM works closely with guest curators to code web specific exhibitions. We present digital artworks innovatively online, as well as challenge how physical works of art translate into a virtual space. Practicing artists, regardless of curatorial experience, are encouraged to submit.
OM asks curators to consider how virtual modalities (non-geographical accessibility, scale, sound, linking of webpages or continous scrolling, images, videos, gifs, other media/design/technology) can create new contexts for engaging with art. Submissions should consider the webpage a critical part of the curatorial concept.
OM asks curators to consider how virtual modalities (non-geographical accessibility, scale, sound, linking of webpages or continous scrolling, images, videos, gifs, other media/design/technology) can create new contexts for engaging with art. Submissions should consider the webpage a critical part of the curatorial concept.