Digital Seeding
Curated by Carola C. Dixon
August 13 - September 09, 2020
Lara Ngoc-Lan Lewison

“Orchids hold special significance to me as my middle name in Vietnamese (Ngọc Lan) and my mom’s favorite flower. The VR piece “pregnancy journal” and the digital collages are made from photos of orchids that were sent to me by my friend Sonia Mantell.”

Lara Ngoc-Lan Lewison is a violinist, painter, and digital artist from Mukilteo, WA. She paints on canvas, clothing, costumes + set pieces, instruments, and other assorted surfaces. Lara also creates digital interactive audiovisual art by working with combinations of software and programming languages such as Unity, Max MSP and Jitter, Adobe Photoshop, RTcmix, and Blender. She has given workshops and lessons on creating for Virtual Reality at CUNY Tech, Harvestworks, and Columbia University, and live performances at Anthology Film Archives and Shapeshifter Lab. She graduated in May 2020 from Columbia University with a B.A. in Music.
